birth Alexa Pedersen birth Alexa Pedersen

Vocal Expression During Labour

I laboured very quietly, going so deeply inward that I barely spoke. I just hummed and sung quietly, speaking aloud some words of encouragement to myself and talking softly to my baby, telling her that she was okay and that I was ready for her to come... I spent time singing, ‘Yes, Life Yes!’ embracing the surges in each moment, saying YES and welcoming them as they overtook my body.

And when my body was ready to push ...the sound came...deep guttural sounds of my body, working hard to support my babe on her transition Earthside. This part for me was totally out of control. I experienced the Fetal Ejection Reflex in full force- you know how on the movies they yell “PUUUUUSSSHHH” and you’re supposed to push, directed by someone outside your body…well, in reality, when the Fetal Ejection Reflex comes in to play, you have no control over it….your body and your baby simply work together to get your baby out.

Experiencing this allowed the sounds to just flow from my mouth and though I do acknowledge that sometimes people have become so conditioned into doing what is socially acceptable that they keep their mouths clamped shut, lips sealed tight, feelings inside......

And where might this lead!? You guessed it, to a tightly clenched cervix!

So..... . What might it feel like to truly express yourself!??

Some women roaaaaarrrr in birth and I admire their freedom of self expression, letting their voice be heard, deeply expressing their inner process, and working through the sensations in their body with sound and movement, roaring and growling.

Are you going to give birth one day!?

Perhaps you could practice:

-Moan with delight at delicious food that touches your lips .

-Let what you are feeling be expressed by sound and voice

- Dance, following the lead of your own body, to the rhythm of your pulse

-Speak your heart's truth with honesty and compassion

-Howl at the Full Moon

Let yourself be free and true.

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